
Hog and Freezer Drawing

Whole Hog and Freezer Drawing

We are giving away a whole hog with freezer at theĀ  AC4HF Pig Roast and auction to be held the 3rd Saturday of September. Come join us to support a great cause and have some great food. Buy some tickets today online for your chance to win this great prize! You do not have to be present for the drawing to win but we hope to see you there. Use theĀ  button below to buy your tickets today. Processing for this prize provided by:



Whole Hog and Freezer Tickets

Drawing to be held the third Saturday in September during the pig roast and auction. Winner need not be present.


*All proceeds to benefit the Ashtabula County
4-H Foundation. The Ashtabula County 4-H
Foundation is a tax nonprofit 501 c3 Corporation
which allows your donation to be tax deductible.